Serving Barrington, IL, and Surrounding Areas for over 79 Years
Your furnace system is a crucial part of your home's comfort and safety during the winter. If you live somewhere like Illinois, winters can get frigid, and that can be dangerous without proper heating. According to Consumer Affairs, about 20% of homeowners reported needing heating repairs in 2020. In order to avoid a sudden loss of heating, it's important to know some of the signs you might be in need of furnace repair services. Here are a few of the top signs that mean it's time for a furnace repair service.
When you first turn on your furnace for the season, you may smell dust burning off. This is normal. However, your furnace shouldn't continue to smell. Strange smells coming from the furnace could indicate a problem. If this sounds like your HVAC system, reach out to your local furnace repair services to have a look at your system immediately. Many providers, like Ahrens & Condill Inc, offer 24-hour emergency services to protect the community in case of an emergency.
If your electric or gas bill is going up without discernible reason, you might want to have your furnace inspected. An aging or non-energy-efficient furnace will cause your home to use more and more energy while struggling to keep the home at the desired temperature. Fortunately, you can avoid this by working with HVAC professionals regularly to keep your furnace in good shape.
Of course, the whole point of having your furnace is to get to your desired temperature inside as quickly and efficiently as possible. If your system isn't doing that for you, you need to get a
furnace repair service out quickly to look at your system. As mentioned above, when this happens, your system uses more energy to perform, which is never a good thing for your wallet or for the longevity of your system.
Something else to consider is the age of your furnace. Are you overdue for repairs or even a replacement? If you're looking for furnace repair services you can count on, please contact our team at Ahrens & Condill today. We're here for all of your HVAC and indoor air quality needs in the Barrington, IL area and beyond. We've been proudly serving the community since 1945!
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